Franjo 9A2MF Franjo
Ham since 1973. Member of Radio Club Arena-Pula and Radio Club Croatian Flora Fauna. Spent 10 years as lighthouse keeper on 5 Croatian lighthouses. Franjo enjoys operating WWFF, IOTA, IOCA, COTA, WLOTA activities on SSB, Digi and mainly CW mode. Active was from EU-090 (9A0CI), EU-110 (9A14B), EU-136 and EU-170.

Mladen 9A2NA Mladen
First ham radio license in 1975. Member of Radio Club Porec and Radio Club Croatian Flora Fauna. Enjoys for many years dxing and contesting on HF (SSB and CW). Member of the 9A1P contest team, and 9AFF group. So far, he activated over 20 Croatian islands and next IOTA’a groups: EU-016, EU-110 (9A14B) and EU-136.

Thilo DL9NBJ Thilo
QRV in both SSB and CW. Thilo enjoys operating pileups with his mobile/portable setup from the German DLFF refs.

Manfred DD0NM Manfred
Manfred is an experienced operator, who did expeditions to C31 and ZB2. He will be the 2m EME operator this year in Palagruža.

Sascha DH6TJ Sascha
Sascha joined our team in 2015, when he met Thilo during a DXpedition to PJ2 (Curaçao). He is an SSB operator, but often leaves the pile-ups to others in favor of his second hobby: diving.

Heinz DC5WW Heinz
He has the most ham radio experience in our team as he was licensed in 1967. He first was an enthusiastic VHF operator but got also into the HF thing later and now is an avid DXer. Besides that, he is the chairman of our local Radio Club.

Emir 9A6AA Emir
Ham since 1968. President and founder of Radio Club Croatian Flora Fauna. IOTA (9A) Country assistant. Activated more than 150 islands located into next IOTA groups: EU-016, EU-090 (9A0CI), EU-110 (9A14B), EU-136, EU-163 (4O6AA), and EU-170. Also, he was active as Z6/9A6AA and Z60K.

Anton DL8AW Anton
Anton is our SSB guy with a very fast and disciplined modus operandi. He likes DXing from our portable QTH in his spare time. Again he will be the QSL manager for the Dxpedition. Host of the CODXG website.

Robert DK2RO Robert
The CW addict of the team enjoys operating portable style from SOTA summits and WWFF refs. But he is also a keen DXer on HF and a fan of the 6m band. Manager of the CODXG website.